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Tsinghua Wudaokou Global Scholar GSFD 2021 Teachers and Students Visited SiE Information Visiting and Exchange

  • News and Information | 2023-06-10 15:12:32
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Gather in Fengcheng, discuss business together, and engage in brainstorming. On October 27, 2022, a group of over 30 global scholars, teachers, and students from Tsinghua Wudaokou Global Finance GSFD 2021 gathered in Foshan, the manufacturing capital, from all over the country to launch a unique "Entering Classmate Enterprises - SiE Information" study and visit activity. Mr. Zhang Chengkang, Chairman and CEO of SiE Information, shared SiE Information's 17 year development process and management experience.

The Wudaokou School of Finance at Tsinghua University was founded on March 29, 2012, in collaboration with the People's Bank of China and Tsinghua University. It was built on the basis of the Graduate Department of the People's Bank of China and is the seventeenth college of Tsinghua University. The Global Finance GSFD project integrates academic research and industry insights, explores cutting-edge industry practices in global technology and finance, and cultivates globally responsible and future-oriented academic entrepreneurs.

For the teachers and classmates who came from afar, Zhang Chengkang, Chairman and CEO of SiE Information, delivered a welcome speech and gave a detailed introduction to the development and operation of SiE Information. At the symposium and exchange site, in-depth exchanges and discussions were conducted on the current status and future development of industrial management software, digital transformation of manufacturing industry, and digital economy industry.

At the same time, during this event, visiting entrepreneurs and scholars visited the SiE Information Digital Exhibition Hall and the unmanned factory demonstration line. Through the on-site demonstration of the demonstration line, the guests had a detailed understanding of how the SiE Information Industry Management Software System helps enterprises achieve the "intelligent" entire process of digital production at the front and back ends of their products, and expressed their praise.

Entering Classmate Enterprises - SiE Information ", through this study tour and visit activity, the guests on site gained a deeper understanding of SiE Information, and it was also a" feast "of digital ideas. The guests on site expressed their views and shared the benefits of SiE Information, and expressed their understanding of digital production in the manufacturing industry through the learning and exchange of SiE Information Industrial management software and other digital fields have gained a deeper understanding and more prospects.

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